
8 Things You Should Never Do On Disney’s Monorail

8. Ask to Sit With The Driver

Years ago, guests were often invited to sit with the monorail pilot at the very front of the monorail.  The view was amazing and you were presented with a co-pilot license at the end of the ride.  It was one of the coolest things I did as a child.  Unfortunately, this no longer exists since the unfortunate death of a monorail pilot after his monorail collided with another back in 2009.  As always, Disney always prioritizes safety and if that were to ever happen again (knock on wood that it doesn’t), the safety of guests would be jeopardized.  Needless to say, if you ask for the front, it will not be given to you.


Natalie is an elementary school teacher and a native Floridian who lives and breathes all things Disney. Her love for Disney started at the age of two during her first visit, and has continued to flourish into her adult life. She loves to share her Disney passion with her students and believes Disney is so special because there is no other place to forget about your worries and be a kid again, which is why she refuses to ‘grow up’.

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