A shocking scene unfolded recently at Hong Kong Disneyland, leaving many guests concerned and confused. A photo shared by a visitor captured the aftermath of a peculiar incident involving Buzz Lightyear, who was found face down on the pavement and covered with a white sheet. Families and parkgoers gathered around the character as Disney cast members worked to address the situation.
Disney Character Takes a Tumble
Redditor u/miloworld shared the photo and claimed that the incident occurred when “some passionate kid may have hugged Buzz from behind,” which allegedly caused the performer to fall forward onto the ground.
Even the full size Buzz costume has the ANDY carving
Even the full size Buzz costume has the ANDY carving
byu/miloworld indisneyparks
The photo shows Disney cast members tending to the fallen character performer. In an unusual move, Buzz Lightyear was covered with a white sheet, sparking questions and theories among onlookers and Disney Parks fans online.
Costume Malfunction or Something More?
While the white sheet initially appeared ominous to some, it may have been used to address a costume issue rather than an injury. One Reddit user, u/JoeBethersonton50504, speculated, “I’m guessing part of the costume came apart and they are covering it up rather than revealing that it’s a dude in a costume to the kids walking around.”
Others were quick to note how unsettling the image of a fallen Buzz Lightyear covered in a sheet might appear to guests. u/Jolly_Blueberry_6192 commented: “That’s scary looking! [They] should put up one of those Tent things they use for injured players at football games!”
It remains unclear whether the performer suffered any injuries during the incident. Disney has not commented on the matter.
The Role of Disney Character Attendants
Disney’s entertainment cast members work tirelessly to bring magic to life, portraying iconic characters in both “face” roles like Disney Princesses and “fur” roles like Mickey Mouse and Buzz Lightyear. These performers are typically accompanied by character attendants, who help monitor guest interactions and provide assistance during emergencies.
Despite their best efforts, attendants can’t always prevent incidents like this. Guests, especially children, may become overexcited when meeting their favorite characters, leading to unintentional mishaps.
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