These days, it’s common to hear complaints from Disney Park Guests about crowds waiting in long lines for rides, misbehaving people in the Disney theme parks, and Walt Disney Company policies overall. These complaints tend to be recent issues — but sometimes, an “OG” Disney visitor from decades past pops up to shed some light on Guests’ complaints from years ago!
TikTok user “Louise the Wheeze” shared some surprising insights about a Disneyland change that happened several years ago — and about her alleged role in said Disney Park change.
According to Louise, she and her friend are the reason for a change to Disneyland policies about the Disney Park’s iconic bridge. “It’s my fault that you can’t sit on the bridge at Disneyland,” Louise said in the TikTok video shown below.
Louise called herself a “Disney punk” as she explained the reason behind her statement. “I was a Disney punk because, in the early 2000s, it was cheaper to get an Annual Pass to Disneyland than it was to go to the movies or sign up for some kind of sports,” she explained.
In a effort to keep their teenager “busy” and “relatively safe”, Louise’s parents “would just dump [her] off” for an afternoon at Disneyland with her friend instead of signing her up for extracurricular activities or sending her to the mall.
“My best friend and I used to bring peanut butter sandwiches and eat them on the bridge at 5 p.m.,” Louise continued in the video. “Our favorite spot to eat was on the bridge because you could sit and see the turtles and stuff like that. It was a very relaxing place to sit and eat.”
However, Louise and her companion were sporting very brightly-dyed hair at the time, mainly in shades of pink, yellow, orange, or blue. Their spot on the bridge was a great place to sit and watch the sunset — but Louise alleges that she and her friend’s hairstyles might have been distracting for other Disneyland Guests.
“Everybody who took pictures of the castle at sunset had our hair in the background of those pictures,” Louise said. She surmised that “unfortunately, I think people complained that their pictures were getting ruined, so they blocked off those seats, and no one could sit there anymore pretty soon after that.”
One TikTok user pointed out that the bridge seats were reportedly closed off from Disneyland Guests much later than the early 2000’s, casting some doubt on the story, so it’s unclear if we will ever know the truth about this Disneyland bridge ruling!