Movies & Entertainment

Iconic 90s Show Cast Reunion Set At Convention Without Lead Star

’90s Con in Tampa, Florida is going to have some very familiar faces. Joining forces once again is the cast of one of the greatest shows of the 90s, Boy Meets World.

90s con
Credit: 90s Con

This reunion is set to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the HIT show on ABC that ran for seven years. It was part of ABC’s ICONIC 90s TGIF lineup. And the show even spawned a sequel Girl Meets World that had a short run on Disney Channel.

Variety shares: “Confirmed cast for the “Boy Meets World” reunion include Danielle Fishel (Topanga Lawrence), Rider Strong (Shawn Hunter), Will Friedle (Eric Matthews), Trina McGee (Angela Moore), Matthew Lawrence (Jack Hunter), William Daniels (Mr. Feeny), Bonnie Bartlett Daniels (Dean Lila Bolander), Betsy Randle (Amy Matthews), William Russ (Alan Matthews) and Lee Norris (Stuart Minkus). Ben Savage, who portrayed Cory Matthews and is currently running for Congress, is not set to attend.”

Savage shared: “Together, we can do better. I am a proud Californian, union member and longtime resident of District 30 who comes from a family of unwavering service to our country and community. I firmly believe in standing up for what is right, ensuring equality and expanding opportunities for all.I’m running for Congress because it’s time to restore faith in government by offering reasonable, innovative and compassionate solutions to our country’s most pressing issues. And it’s time for new and passionate leaders who can help move our country forward. Leaders who want to see the government operating at maximum capacity, unhindered by political divisions and special interests. Please join our movement!” Savage also got married last month in Feburary to Tessa Angermeier.

Well, we can say Feeny would sure be proud of one of his students in Congress.


Giselle is living happily ever after in Manhattan. When not writing, she enjoys reading mystery novels, baking cakes, going to concerts, reminiscing on 2000s Disney Channel, and wishing she was a Walt Disney Imagineer.

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