The Walt Disney Company is currently going through an incredibly rough patch. Its film studio is struggling to produce successful films, and its streamer Disney+ is losing millions of subscribers and costing the company hundreds of millions of dollars. Add to that the fact that its theme parks are seeing a dip in attendance, and its stock price has plummeted to one of the lowest numbers it’s seen in almost a decade. It’s a tough time for Disney CEO Bob Iger, who is used to seeing the company thrive.
There are a lot of reasons that Disney and its stock price are struggling so much. However, controversial psychologist and author Jordan Peterson thinks that he knows the answer.
Disney recently instituted new gender-neutral policies for its cast members. As long as cast members follow Disney’s costume guidelines, they are able to wear the costume/uniform that they feel most comfortable in. That may or may not be a costume that is traditionally associated with their gender. Male Disney cast members have recently been photographed wearing dresses, which is fine by Disney’s new guidelines.
Many guests have praised Disney for being so welcoming and open to those cast members who have different gender identities. However, a vocal group of dissidents has consistently attacked Disney for what they consider “woke” new policies.
Peterson is one of those people who don’t like Disney’s new policies surrounding acceptance. He went so far as to blame these new gender-neutral policies on Disney’s falling stock price. And he specifically called out Bob Iger.
IgerStock price still not
Low enough
For you@Disney https://t.co/V1rLD6f0fW— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) August 26, 2023
Those who oppose Disney’s new acceptance of all types of cast members — as well as their films and television shows that represent a wider variety of people — frequently use the phrase “Go woke, go broke.” But Bob Iger isn’t letting the detractors get to him. Iger has doubled down on Disney’s forward movement and said that the company will continue to make new content that lets everyone see someone like them on screen.
This is not the first time that Peterson has railed against the LGBTQ+ community. Despite the fact that he describes himself as a “traditional British liberal”, Peterson has likened being transgender to “satanic ritual abuse”. He has also been suspended from social media platforms for violating hate speech policies.
Iger currently has a lot of moving pieces as he works to bring Disney back to the company he once ran. He is continuing to cut from the budget as he works to save $5.5 billion. He has laid off thousands of employees, in addition to tightening the financial ropes on Disney+. The streamer has canceled more than half a dozen shows, and the shows that remain have seen their budgets cut.