Disney ParksNews

TV Show Crew Creates Heartwarming Disney Surprise

The Walt Disney Company has faced a lot of scrutinies lately with negative results and lots of bad publicity as the result — but according to this local news station, the Disney magic is still alive and well in at least one unexpected place: New Hampshire!

In the New Hampshire town known as Portsmouth, there is a place called Lafayette House that reportedly “houses and supports those with developmental disabilities”. The adults staying at Lafayette House have actually left for the weekend, however, because they are being treated to a Walt Disney World Resort stay!

child abuse disney world

15 of the Lafayette House residents are being sent to Walt Disney World Resort by the crew of a popular New Hampshire show, actually, that focuses on charitable deeds and acts of kindness. The show is called, appropriately, Chaos & Kindness!

According to IMDB, Chaos & Kindness is a “New Hampshire-based band Recycled Percussion’s Emmy-nominated TV show” that “focuses on giving back to others and making a difference around the world. In each episode, you’ll witness some of the insane and often hilarious things they’re willing to do in the name of Kindness.”

chaos and kindness show poster
Credit: IMDB

The New Hampshire residents left Manchester-Boston Regional Airport and headed to Disney World on Saturday, with plans for a magical five-day vacation.

According to Chaos & Kindness Founder Justin Spencer, “the Lafayette House is a place in Portsmouth where all of these adults live with disabilities. It’s a family, and this is the first time they have ever gone on vacation in their lives’ together, so this is really unique.” The uniqueness of the opportunity was certainly not lost on the participants, as shown by this video of the airport sendoff!

lafayette house residents leaving airport and waving
Credit: WMUR.com

Many Disney Adults and Disney fans with families visit the Disney Parks for relaxation, inspiration, and excitement, so this group’s excitement is certainly understandable. One woman even swears that uprooting her life and moving to Walt Disney World Resort has made a huge positive impact on her mental health and fitness!

Did you know about Chaos & Kindness? Do you know someone who could benefit from a charitable act like this?


Sharon is a writer and animal lover from New England. Sharon's two main focuses in her work are Disney's correlations with pop culture and the significance of Disney princesses (which was the basis for her college thesis). When she's not writing about Disney, Sharon spends her time singing, dancing, and cavorting with woodland creatures!

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