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‘Moon Knight’ Launches at the Louvre

The new Marvel series Moon Knight has been released on the streaming service Disney+ on March 30, and Disney and Marvel celebrated with a trip to France’s iconic museum “the Louvre”! A unique private tour of the Louvre’s archaeology exhibits in the Rooms of the Egyptian Antiquities Department was also included as a reference to the ancient Egyptian focus of the new Marvel show!

The Disneyland Paris President Natacha Rafalski also attended the Moon Knight launch event. Moon Knight stars Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant and Marc Spector and Ethan Hawke as the ‘villain’ cult leader, Dr. Arthur Harrow. In this unique Marvel series based on Marvel comics, the protagonist has Dissociative Identity Disorder; this makes him not only an unreliable narrator, but also a person with two identities.

Oscar Isaac plays Steven Grant and Marc Spector and Ethan Hawke plays cult leader Arthur Harrow in ‘Moon Knight’ Credit: Disney /

One identity is that of Steven Grant, a mild-mannered citizen who suffers from blackouts and strangely unfamiliar memories. The other is mercenary Marc Spector (a vigilante who is also known as Moon Knight,  the “ruthless avatar of Khonshu, the Egyptian god of the moon and vengeance”).

Oscar Isaac as Steven Grant and Moon Knight mercenary Marc Spector Credit: Marvel Studios

Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke are both highly respected actors with Golden Globe Awards and Oscar nominations between them, so it looks like this original series is going to be a thrilling, action-packed, and dramatic Marvel show. This might be a nice change of pace for Marvel fans who prefer their action to be understated rather than large-scale like in the Avengers movies!

The celebration of the Moon Knight launch at the Louvre took place underneath the gorgeous and iconic Louvre museum pyramid, which features glass panes that allow views of the night sky above. It’s clear from the Tweets above that this event was styled with the aesthetics of Moon Knight in mind: a mix of darkness, cool tones, and Egyptian history were permeating the Louvre launch party!

Oscar Isaac plays Steven Grant and Marc Spector and Ethan Hawke plays cult leader Arthur Harrow in ‘Moon Knight’ Credit: Disney /

Moon Knight premiered on March 30 on Disney+. Are you excited about this Marvel series, or are you a Marvel fan who is holding out for something more lighthearted like Ms. Marvel or the new Doctor Strange film?


Sharon is a writer and animal lover from New England. Sharon's two main focuses in her work are Disney's correlations with pop culture and the significance of Disney princesses (which was the basis for her college thesis). When she's not writing about Disney, Sharon spends her time singing, dancing, and cavorting with woodland creatures!

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