9. Online check-in
Another great advantage to staying at a Disney World Resort is having the option to do advance online check-in from home, up to 60 days prior to visiting. This way you don’t have to go through all the usual registration rituals at the front desk the moment you arrive; it’s already taken care of, so all you do is head for the designated online check-in desk to get your room assignment. What’s more, even if you arrive before your room is ready you can start enjoying all the perks and benefits of the resort and various parks immediately. Any carry-ons you brought can be held for you in the mean time, and as mentioned earlier, your checked luggage will appear in your room when it’s ready. You can sign up for text or email alerts informing you when all is ready, and your trusty MagicBand will serve as your room key in addition to filling a host of other roles.