6. The American Adventure
While many will agree that a visit to Walt Disney World in general constitutes as a great American adventure, there is in fact a well-loved Epcot attraction that goes by this very name. The Colonial-style redbrick American Adventure building stands tall and strong and accounts for the majority for what is considered the American Adventure Pavilion. The interior is a definite must-see, with its awe-inspiring foyer way, stately corridors, and even a small art gallery—the American Heritage Gallery. The renowned a cappella group Voices of Liberty are known to periodically stop by to serenade guests in the foyer awaiting the next showing of the building’s most popular attraction—The American Adventure Show. Spanning about a 26-minute duration, this presentation brings together moving stage features, 35 lively audio-animatronics, and visual screen effects in the ultimate collaboration and exploration of United States history. Your hosts Mark Twain and Benjamin Franklin are there to guide you on this journey, which begins with a look at the early days of pilgrim settlements and then progresses along the timeline, highlighting significant milestones, events, and people that helped to define what it means to be an American.