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Multiple Disney Cast Members Agree on Rudest Celebrity to Visit Parks

It’s no secret that being a Disney cast member is very hard work. Cast members keep the parks clean, keep the stores organized, operate Disney’s dozens of rides and attractions, and try to make each guest’s day as magical as possible. A Disney cast member has a truly unique job that isn’t for everyone. Because cast members work so hard to make magic, guests must also work to make sure they appreciate cast members.

Cast members deal with thousands of guests each and every day. For the most part, their interactions are friendly and pleasant. However, there are always those guests that act straight-up entitled and rude. Disney has sadly reported on a number of guests who have assaulted cast members, screamed at them, and even spit on them. Those guests are the ones that should just stay away from Disney if they can’t behave themselves.

Disney Cast Members Gender Neutral
Credit: Disney

Regular guests are not the only people who are horrible to Disney cast members. Celebrities love Disney as much as everyone else, and some of them — like the Kardashians — love to visit frequently. Some would think that celebrities would be even nicer to cast members since they are being watched by other guests and fans, but that is not the case. Some celebrities are ruder than the average guest because they feel entitled due to the fact that they are famous.

TikTok creator, Chelsea Reese (@teresa_jack), recently shared that multiple cast members have reached out to her about celebrity encounters in the parks. According to those cast members –particularly the ones who work in Guest Relations –, no one is ruder to the staff than superstar singer Ariana Grande.


Guest Relations cast members can be spotted by their plaid vests. Frequent Disney visitors will even refer to them as plaids. They are the cast members who direct specialty tours and will act as a VIP Guide to those guests willing to shell out the big bucks.

Numerous cast members revealed that Grande required them to shut down the attractions she wanted to go on, so she could ride them with just herself and her party. Typically, VIP Guests are not allowed to shut down a ride, they just get to bypass the regular line. But Grande was apparently not content with just skipping the line. In addition to shutting the ride down, she also allegedly ignored safety protocols and tried to sit on a friend’s lap while riding Space Mountain.

Space Mountain Disneyland
Credit: Disney

Another shared a story of the 2015 Christmas celebration that is filmed in the parks. The Christmas show is filmed every year and, one year, Grande was scheduled to be a part of the show. The cast member said that Grande was more than an hour late, which caused everyone else to have to wait. The show is filmed earlier in the year, so the other performers and dancers had to wait in hot temperatures while wearing winter clothes.

Several other cast members shared that a cast member was fired for walking into the break room because Grande was in it. Grande had taken over the cast member break room because she wanted to enjoy the air conditioning. The cast member who was fired reportedly did not know she was in there and did not know that they were not supposed to enter.

Ariana Grande Disney christmas celebration
Credit: Mark Ashman

Annoyance at Grande isn’t limited to Disney, either. Former Universal Studios team member Reilly (@tombreadison) shared that she worked at Universal’s popular Halloween Horror Nights event, helping run one of the mazes. The event was sold out and people were waiting hours to enter haunted houses and spooky mazes. All of a sudden, there was no one in the maze. That is because Grande made them clear out the house so she and her team could experience it alone. Grande was also mad because she had to wait while they were clearing out the house.


Then, there’s the video below, where a guest films Grande walking up behind another guest and trying to remove a bow from her hair. Grande said that she was just joking, but people did not like that was trying to put her hands on a stranger.


It is important to note that these are all stories, and there are typically two sides to every story. However, as the saying goes, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Grande is not the only celebrity to shut down rides while at a theme park. Khloé Kardashian visited Disneyland Park last year and a video went viral. Kardashian and her party rode the Tea Cups in Fantasyland alone, while a huge line of Guests — including children — had to wait and watch.

Krysten Swensen

A born and bred New England girl living the Disney life in Southern California. I love to read, to watch The Golden Girls, and love everything to do with Disney and Universal. I also love to share daily doses of Disney on my Disney Instagram @BrazzleDazzleDisney!

One Comment

  1. Stop letting “celebrities” shut down entire attractions so the rabble won’t get their germs on them. If they want an entire attraction to themselves, they can jolly well build their own theme park and let no one in but their families and entourages. No, they aren’t invited to buy out the park for the day; tens of thousands of people have paid for tickets to the parks. Walt intended his creation to be for everyone, not the rich, famous and extremely annoying/entitled.

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