Who would’ve thought that some of Disney’s most die-hard fans would have such a deep connection with a trash can? But the Disney Day Drinkers Club (D3) is feuding with Walt Disney World after it moved its beloved trash can, “Binny,” from in front of the Rose and Crown Pub in the United Kingdom in EPCOT. And it is the removal of “Binny” that has caused the uproar in the Disney Adult community.
Happy Earthday pic.twitter.com/3JIsROtJez
— Disney Day Drinkers Club (@DisneyDayDrinks) April 23, 2023
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The Disney Day Drinkers Club was started by a small group of Disney adults who loved “Drinking Around the World” at EPCOT. The club has since grown to more than 85,000 Facebook members. And then came Covid. Once the Walt Disney World Resort reopened, the Disney Day Drinkers returned to their drinking around the world. But there was a catch: their drinking had to be done outdoors.
And that brings us to “Binny.” The group was congregating outside the Rose and Crown Pub with nowhere to sit. They used the trash can just outside the restaurant to rest their drinks. Club Founder Skip Sher told the Daily Mail that someone yelled out that D3 needed a mascot. And “Binny” was born. Father Sean Knox blessed the trash can to seal the deal, and “Binny” became the official mascot of the Disney Day Drinkers.
But “Binny” has become just as, if not more, famous than the Disney Day Drinkers. Throughout the summer, members and non-members would line up to have their picture taken with a trash can. The D3 members would stop to pay homage to their beloved mascot every time the group was on an outing.
Disney Day Drinkers Club and Binney the trash canhttps://t.co/nrCrZbqn9p
— KathieMangiaPasta (@KathiePasta) January 5, 2024
In September, “Binny” became too famous and was removed from in front of the Rose and Crown. D3 members were distraught over the removal of their mascot.
People were just going crazy, saying, ‘Oh my gosh—why would they do this?’ It’s something you had a part of at the very beginning, then someone takes it away.
A Disney spokesperson said at the time that the famous trash can was a safety concern. So many guests were lining up that it blocked the entrance to the pub. “Binny” was temporarily moved to another location inside the United Kingdom Pavilion, but Disney relented and returned “Binny” to its original location. D3 members booked flights to Central Florida to see the return of their mascot.
But Disney World has once again moved the trash can without explanation. D3 members are waiting to see if their beloved mascot will return like it did last time. But without a statement from Disney, they are concerned that “Binny” may have seen his final days in front of the Rose and Crown.
Perhaps, like last time, this was a temporary move with so many guests coming to EPCOT for the holidays, and now that crowds are starting to slow down, “Binny” will return to his home. Only time will tell.
We will continue to update this story at Disney Fanatic.