
HBO Releases Documentary About Cult Led by “Spirit of Robin Williams”

Mother God Cult Robin Williams
Credit: HBO/Amblin Entertainment

What if someone told you they were 19 billion years old, were reincarnated multiple times as famous people like Joan of Arc and Marilyn Monroe, and had the ability to cure cancer? Well, for the members of the group Love Has Won, that is exactly what they believed about leader Amy Carlson. A documentary on Carlson and Love Has Won — often called a cult — has recently come out on HBO Max. It is called Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God.

Amy Carlson love has won cult

Credit: HBO

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Each cult has its own beliefs and practices, and one of the most interesting aspects of Love Has Won is what they believed was their spiritual connection to the late Robin Williams.

Members of Love Has Won say that they are on a first-name basis with the ghost of the actor, calling him one of “Mom’s main ambassadors”. Mom, as they affectionately call her, is Amy Carlson, who died in 2021.

Night at the Museum Robin Williams

Credit: Disney

One of Carlson’s followers said that Carlson/Mom “signed over the divine plan for him to make change.” Carlson also believed that Williams sent her messages to let her know what she and her followers should be doing.

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One follower, who still believes in Carlson’s teachings, says that they saw Robin Williams come through “Mother God” when she would drink alcohol.

“I have seen Robin Williams come through Mother God because she’s on alcohol, and I feel that she utilized it as a tool to let certain things through, because we needed to hear it.” Such as the fact that he took Mother God’s joy away “by making her the world’s worst quesadilla.”

Amy Carlson Love Has Won Cult

Credit: HBO

It is not exactly clear why Carlson focused in on Williams, and chose him to be her cult’s spiritual guide. Per Salon:

It is hard to say what Williams would have made of “Love Has Won” or the cult itself; several videos show Carlson ripping massive bong hits in her pursuit of a “higher vibration.” Williams once mused, “Do you think God gets stoned? I think so. Look at the platypus.” (He was also famously inclusive, placing that reputation at odds with the cult’s views that homosexuality is wrong and, um, that whole Hitler excuse.)


Credit: Disney

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It is also believed that Carlson may have identified with Williams because he always talked about feeling like an outsider who wanted to connect with his fellow human beings through affection, understanding, and sensitivity.

Williams ended his life in 2014 while suffering from the effects of Lewy Body Dementia.

Mrs Doubtfire

Credit: 20th Century Fox

Carlson died in April 2021, and was found by police days after she died. She was wrapped in a sleeping bag that was covered in Christmas lights. According to the autopsy results, Ms. Carlson died from the effects of anorexia, alcoholism, and chronic colloidal silver ingestion. Carlson believed that ingesting tiny amounts of silver could cure things like COVID, cancer, HIV, and AIDS.

Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God was made by Hannah Olson and studies Amy Carlson/Mother God, her husbands – who were known as Father God –, and her ex and current followers.

Have you watched Love Has Won: The Cult of Mother God? What did you think? Let us know in the comments!

About Krysten Swensen

A born and bred New England girl living the Disney life in Southern California. I love to read, to watch The Golden Girls, and love everything to do with Disney and Universal. I also love to share daily doses of Disney on my Disney Instagram @BrazzleDazzleDisney!

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