It was a fight for a Happily Ever After in front of Cinderella Castle. On one side, grown Disney Adults. On the other, a little girl and her ornery father who threw the usual “Kids vs. Disney Adults” debate into the grey area.
Recently, another Disney-related story was added to the infamous subreddit AITA (short for “Am I The Asshole?”) in which an anonymous contributor recalls the time when he intentionally blocked a little kid’s view of the Magic Kingdom fireworks in order for his fiance–who had never been to Disney World before–to get the best view possible.
“Naturally, my wife was so excited to see the fireworks at magic kingdom,” he explained. “I’ve been going since I was a kid, so I knew that we needed to get to the front of the castle EARLY. It’s the kind of show where projections play over the castle, and she’s 4’11.”
According to the unnamed Disney Adult, the real drama began when crowd-controlling Cast Members began forcing people back behind the white taped lines that marked the boundaries of the throughways. They complied and moved back, with one particular Cast Member standing post right in front of them. Shortly before the show was about to start, they felt a family push through the crowd, forcing themselves behind the narrator and his fiance. After muttering some foul language, the dad said to him, “Maybe you folks could let the kids enjoy the show? They can’t see the castle from behind all of these adults.”
Related: ‘Disney is a Gamble’: Parent Says Disney ‘Isn’t for Little Kids.’
The narrator explained,
Now under ordinary circumstances, I would let family step ahead. But there was a few factors to consider.
We were already flush against a line that we weren’t allowed to cross (courtesy of a very dutiful cast member) and if they stepped ahead they’d be over the line and be forced to step back, and we’d all be crushed together.
This man didn’t just want to let his youngest through to stand in front, he wanted to let his family through. Except for the kid, they were all far taller than my wife.
We had been waiting for nearly 2 hours. They arrived minutes ago. My wife had never been able to do anything like this growing up. It may seem silly but this was massive for her. I wasn’t about to let it get ruined.
So, I told him that no one could get in front.
The childless couple did offer to let the little girl stand in the little space they could make in front of them, but the dad was insistent on staying with his daughter. She started crying that she couldn’t see, and he “barged” through the crowd with her over the line and was forced back to his spot by the attending Cast Member.
“Dad spent the next 5 minutes loudly telling us that we were the reason she was upset, demanding we look at her, etc.,” he said. “It was awful.”
Related: Real-Life ‘Evil Stepmother’? Woman Refuses to Bring Stepchild on Disney Trip
The realities of stories on this subreddit do tend to be questionable, but the situation painted here does pose an interesting dilemma. What is the proper etiquette?
Is the dad’s anger justified? Should adults be expected to give way to little kids? Or are the Disney Adults justified in standing their ground?
We at Disney Fanatic will continue to update our readers on Disney Parks news and stories as more developments come to light.