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Doctor Warns Against Dangerous Disney ‘Trend’

Walt Disney World Resort, Disneyland Resort, and international Disney Resort Guests have been behaving so badly as of late (whether it’s involved harassing a Cast Member, trespassing, fistfighting, or ruining the customer experience for another Disney Park Guest) that a documentary is actually being made about the unfortunate phenomenon.

Now, it looks like one harmful and disruptive behavior (that we hoped we’d seen the last of last year) is making the rounds again — and one medical professional has confirmed that this behavior is most definitely ill-advised!

If the amount of security needed in museums and exhibits worldwide is any indication, humans are often very tempted to go out of bounds and touch items that are not theirs to touch.

With this knowledge in mind, it is unfortunately not too shocking to learn that many Disney passengers have been putting their hands or feet in the water while riding Disney rides like “it’s a small world” or the now-defunct Splash Mountain.

it's a small world
Credit: Disney

This behavior was becoming common in 2022, but now we have just seen another Guest put their foot in the water on “it’s a small world” in Disneyland — and in the TikTok video shown below, we can see a doctor making it clear that this is a very, very bad idea!


#stitch with @_disney._stuff_ More patients for me I guess 🤣 #disneyland #disneyworld #badidea #putthosegrippersaway #dumbwaystodye #safety #injury #injuries #doctor #footdoctor #reacts #reaction #fail

♬ Who Let The Dogs Out – Original – The Doggies

A podiatrist who goes by “Doctor Dana” shared the footage in the video shown above, with her own reaction finishing off the video. “Don’t do this,” Doctor Dana implored with a somber expression.

Doctor Dana is a foot doctor with a large following on TikTok (numbering at least two million followers) — and she is most definitely not a fan of Disney Guests’ bad behavior. “More patients for me I guess”, the doctor wrote.

Doctor Dana also labeled the activity as a “bad idea” in the video’s caption and used hashtags like #dumbwaystodye and #injuries.

Behavior like this on a Disney ride is not only disruptive, but also very dangerous. Electronics and machinery are often operating under the surface of the water in rides like “it’s a small world”, and the cars or boats on these rides are running on tracks that could cause disastrous injuries. In addition, Disney rides’ water is most certainly not clean.

Many Disney Fanatic readers were appalled earlier this year when learning that some people were actually trying to drink water from the Splash Mountain ride that recently closed!

POV: Splash Mountain, Disneyland
Splash Mountain is a now-extinct and permanently-closed Disney water ride in the Magic Kingdom. Credit: TK Bosacki/Disney Fanatic

Are you a Disney Guest who has seen any of your fellow guests in theme parks, or Disney Guests specifically, trying to drink theme park ride water or sticking their extremities out of the moving vehicles on rides or roller coasters?


Sharon is a writer and animal lover from New England. Sharon's two main focuses in her work are Disney's correlations with pop culture and the significance of Disney princesses (which was the basis for her college thesis). When she's not writing about Disney, Sharon spends her time singing, dancing, and cavorting with woodland creatures!

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