It’s been a tough few days for Jungle Cruise star Emily Blunt. The revered actress was caught in a PR nightmare when a video resurfaced showing her in a less-than-favorable light. The video was from 2012 when Blunt appeared on The Jonathan Ross Show. During her interview, she spoke about dining at a Chili’s when she was shooting a movie.
Both Blunt and Ross commented on the portion sizes that Chili’s serves. Ross said that he loved Chili’s, but eating there made him understand why so many Americans are “enormous.” Blunt then laughed and said that the waitress who served her table was also “enormous.” She then added that it appeared the waitress was getting too many free meals at Chili’s.
The video quickly started going viral and fans were disgusted by the comments. Views on women’s bodies, weight, and body positivity have changed a lot since then, but people were still upset that Blunt felt so comfortable fat-shaming a woman simply seemed excited to meet her.
Ms. Blunt issued a statement to PEOPLE, apologizing for her insensitive and mean comments.
“I just need to address this head on as my jaw was on the floor watching this clip from 12-years ago. I’m appalled that I would say something so insensitive, hurtful, and unrelated to whatever story I was trying to tell on a talk show.”
“I’ve always considered myself someone who wouldn’t dream of upsetting anyone so whatever possessed me to say anything like this in that moment is unrecognizable to me or anything I stand for. And yet it happened, and I said it and I’m so sorry for any hurt caused. I was absolutely old enough to know better.”
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Ms. Blunt met the waitress when she was filming the 2012 movie Looper. She said that they were filming in a small town and the only place to eat was Chili’s. The waitress asked her if anyone ever told her that she looked like Emily Blunt. The waitress then realized that the actress was, in fact, Emily Blunt. She then excitedly asked what they were doing in her small town.
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In 2021, Ms. Blunt starred alongside Dwayne Johnson in the Disney film Jungle Cruise. Blunt played Lily Houghton, a scientist who was looking for safe passage through South America as she searched for the Tears of the Moon. The film was a hit, and Disney announced that a sequel was in the works just weeks after Jungle Cruise hit theaters nationwide.
At this time, we don’t have any details on Jungle Cruise 2. We only know that Blunt and Johnson will return.
Jungle Cruise was not the first time that Blunt has worked with Disney. In 2018, the British actress brought Mary Poppins back to life in Mary Poppins Returns. The film also starred Lin Manuel Miranda as Jack, Emily Mortimer as Jane Banks, and Ben Whishaw as Michael Banks. Dick Van Dyke even made a special cameo as Mr. Dawes Jr., a character he played in the original 1964 film.
Johnson is also currently working with Disney on its live-action remake of Moana (2016). The wrestler-turned-actor has confirmed that he will return to portray the demigod Maui, who he voiced in the animated original. No other casting has been announced, but the live-action film is slated to be released on July 27, 2025.
What do you think of Emily Blunt’s apology? Let us know in the comments!