In 2013, Walt Disney Animation Studios released a brand-new animated film based on the story The Snow Queen by Hans Christen Andersen. Frozen told the story of Princess Elsa, the would-be queen of Arendelle, who is hiding a big secret — she can summon the power of snow and ice. Frozen is Disney’s most successful animated movie to date, making more than $1 billion. The film came out nearly 10 years ago, but it has remained incredibly popular, with the movie becoming a staple at Disney Parks around the world.
Six years after the success of Frozen, Disney released Frozen 2, which performed even better than the original, despite audiences finding the story lacking and the songs not as catchy. With the success of both films, Anna, Elsa, and even Olaf have become staples of some Disney theme parks. Wandering Oaken and the Duke of Weselton even made an appearance at Disneyland’s Merriest Nites After-Hours event.
Disney is doubling down on its dedication to Frozen and building Arendelle: The World of Frozen at the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. The new theme park area will feature new attractions like Frozen Ever After and Wandering Oaken’s Sliding Sleighs, as well as new shopping, and dining locations. So far, Disney has shared artist renderings, as well as a video of how the construction is progressing. Now, Disney has shared a first look at what the new Hong Kong Disney area will look like once construction is complete.
Take a look! The video shows everything from Elsa’s ice palace to Arendelle Castle!
Hoo-hoo 👋 Want a look at how Imagineers build a land? This land animatic of #WorldofFrozen coming to Hong Kong Disneyland shows in video what it will look like once finished. Used alongside models & concept artwork, this ensures all teams are on the same page! #FirstLookFromHKDL
Hoo-hoo 👋 Want a look at how Imagineers build a land? This land animatic of #WorldofFrozen coming to Hong Kong Disneyland shows in video what it will look like once finished. Used alongside models & concept artwork, this ensures all teams are on the same page! #FirstLookFromHKDL
— Disney Parks (@DisneyParks) February 23, 2023
As of right now, we know that Disney is planning to open the new theme park land sometime in late 2023, although an exact opening date has not yet been announced. Disney is also building a Frozen area in Tokyo DisneySea as part of a major Fantasy Springs expansion.
On February 8, Disney CEO Bob Iger also shared that Disney was working on a third film in the Frozen franchise. We don’t know which of the original actors will be returning or what the storyline will be.