Disneyland ParkNews

AirTag Tracker Stalking Incidents Persist at Disney, Prompting Concerns

Disneyland may be the Happiest Place on Earth, but that doesn’t stop it from escaping the realities of the world. Over the past year, some concerned Guests have experienced troubling incidents involving Apple AirTag tracker stalking. While these occurrences are rare, they have sparked concerns among the dedicated fanbase of the beloved theme park.

Several parkgoers have found themselves victims of being tracked via Apple AirTags placed on their person. While these incidents seemed to have subsided, they haven’t fully disappeared. Two new visitors are warning that it happened to them on a recent visit to Disneyland.

AirTag tracker Disney
Credit: Disney

Unwanted Tracking via Apple AirTag

AirTag trackers are small devices designed by Apple to help users locate personal belongings. However, these devices have inadvertently become tools for a handful of individuals with malicious intent. When attached to unsuspecting visitors’ possessions, these gadgets use location services to track their movements without their knowledge.

It should be noted that these incidents are not exclusive to Disneyland. It has been a growing issue in all public spaces visitors frequent worldwide.

Last year, a Tennessee family realized they were being tracked by an Apple AirTag while leaving Disneyland. The family only realized what was happening because their daughter received a notification from her iPhone warning of an unknown tracker after they reached the parking lot.

Just a few months later, an Irish woman visiting Disneyland also realized that she had unknowingly been stalked via an Apple AirTag placed on her person for over two hours before discovering it. Luckily, she was never alone during the incident but took to Twitter to warn others to be vigilant.

Notably, these stalking incidents are isolated occurrences, and most Disneyland visits proceed without issues. The theme park is dedicated to safety and has access to technology and surveillance systems to identify and address potential threats.

Still, park-goers must remain aware of their surroundings, report suspicious behavior promptly, and ensure that personal belongings are always monitored. Even a stroller could be a potential place to plant one of these gadgets.

More Recent Incidents of AirTag Stalking Surface

Just this week, two more Disneyland Resort in California attendees took to Reddit to share that they were alerted of an unknown AirTag tracking them around the Park for a substantial amount of time. The two seemed unaware that this was possible until it happened to them.

AirPods/Air tag tracking Anaheim
byu/CharmingDistance indisneylandparis

Strangely enough, the two claim that Park security was also unfamiliar with the growing incidents. They also state that other young women were experiencing the same issue at the moment:

“What was strange was Park security, lost and found, and Anaheim PD acted like they had never heard of the issue. As we were exiting there were two young women with a similar experience.

The two also stress that they did not have their own Apple AirTags or AirPods when entering the Park.

While the AirTag tracker stalking incidents are cause for concern, it shouldn’t keep you from taking a trip to a Disney Park. Get out there and enjoy your vacation, but make sure that you are at least aware of possible scenarios to stay safe.

Michael Stoyanoff

Michael is a Disney fan with an entertainment background and passion for writing. Living in Orlando, he has been around the theme parks for over a decade. In his free time he enjoys running, playing video games, and traveling the world. He also loves hanging out with his dog, Mr. Pippers the Pug.

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