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Conflicted Mother Regrets Baby’s ‘Encanto’ Name

Many Disney Fanatics find that, after watching a plethora of inspiring animated Disney movies and singing along to motivational Disney princess power ballads, they are inclined to keep some of that Disney magic in their life by naming their pets or children after Disney, Pixar, Marvel, or Star Wars characters.

Some Disney names are better than others for Disney fans’ babies — such as this slightly less obvious one that was recently chosen by a famous British couple — while others can make it a bit trickier for children to navigate school.

One of the additional challenges, when it comes to Disney baby names, is Disney Adults’ competitive nature: parents will actually fight over Disney baby names, and one woman actually threatened her ex-husband’s family after he dared to name his baby a Frozen name that she had chosen for her next child!

Disney baby names are always controversial, but this name might take the cake!

Now, we have caught wind of yet another distressed parent who has faced some significant Disney baby name anxiety! However, this mother didn’t intentionally choose a Disney name for her child, and she’s actually considering making a name change due to her baby’s name’s new notoriety.

In a conversation on Reddit, a Reddit user called ‘namenerds’ posted a question online about whether or not the name “Bruno” was a bad name for a baby boy now that the animated Disney movie Encanto had made its debut and become a huge hit.

Bruno is the mysterious and endearingly-awkward uncle in the Madrigal family, made even more mysterious during the record-breaking song about him entitled “We Don’t Talk About Bruno.”

bruno in encanto
Credit: Disney

The conversation was appropriately titled “Naming a baby boy Bruno — is it too soon to talk about it?”! 

“I think I know the answer to this question, but just want to check what the general public thinks,” the woman wrote on Reddit. “I’m due with a boy later this year and have loved the name Bruno since long before Encanto came out, but since that all-too-catchy song, my opinion on the name has changed”.

“I still love it,” she added, “but don’t think I’d feel comfortable giving it to my kid quite yet, as it hasn’t been long since the movie and I’m sure that’s all anyone would think of. Thoughts and opinions?”

Naming a baby boy Bruno—is it too soon to talk about it?
byu/stellarae1 innamenerds

“We Don’t Talk About Bruno” became a viral sensation in the weeks after Encanto premiered in 2021 on Disney+; the song broke many records, including that of Frozen song “Let It Go” and older classics like the Aladdin ballad called “A Whole New World.”

Even celebrities caved and shared their addiction to the song online, so it’s understandable that this mother was worried about whether or not her son would be doomed to contend with a whole lot of Encanto jokes in his future!

Mirabel Dolores Bruno Encanto
Dolores Madrigal singing to Mirabel Madrigal about Bruno in ‘Encanto’ Credit:

Since Disney baby names really can be a significant point of contention among Disney fans, one might expect a lot of negative reactions to the expectant woman’s question. Fortunately, however, the comments from other Reddit users veered toward the positive!

The mother of Bruno was encouraged to do whatever worked for her, regardless of other people’s expectations or reactions.

Do you know anyone who has named a child a Disney name, and regretted it after the fact? Do you know anyone who has a Disney character name, and hates it?


Sharon is a writer and animal lover from New England. Sharon's two main focuses in her work are Disney's correlations with pop culture and the significance of Disney princesses (which was the basis for her college thesis). When she's not writing about Disney, Sharon spends her time singing, dancing, and cavorting with woodland creatures!

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