Disney Animal Kingdom ParkNews

TikTokers Aim to Complete Surprising Animal Kingdom Challenge

When many Disney Park Guests or Disney Fanatics hear the term “TikToker” or “Disney influencer”, there is usually a negative response. After all, TikTokers and other social media influencers or Disney influencers are becoming synonymous with ride interruptions, distractingly-bad behavior, attention-seeking stunts, and Cast Member harassment (sometimes even sexual harassment)!

TikTokers’ bad rap was further exacerbated recently when some TikTok users began encouraging other people to loosen their seatbelts on a high-speed Disney ride, causing obvious safety issues. Now, however, a pair of TikTokers with the account @ParkSpeed are attempting a far more appropriate challenge!

In an effort to boost their following, the two TikTokers behind @ParkSpeed are planning on riding a certain Walt Disney World Resort ride in the Animal Kingdom, on repeat, for an entire day — if they get 1,000 followers on TikTok.

When you hear that one of the stipulations from the Disney influencers is “no ponchos for this challenge”, you might already be able to guess which Animal Kingdom ride it is!

Kali River Rapids
The Kali River Rapids ride in Walt Disney World Resort and the theme park known as the Animal Kingdom Disney Park. Credit: Disney

The answer? Kali River Rapids! This water-based ride, which is located in the Asia section of the Animal Kingdom and involves riding down some rapids, is now the wettest Disney World ride since the eradication of Splash Mountain from the Magic Kingdom.

Because of the rafts’ circular nature and the fact that the rafts rotate during the water ride, choosing your seat at the start of Kali River Rapids can be the difference between leaving the ride dry as a bone and leaving the ride with soaking wet clothes.


With the amount of hours that these two TikTokers are planning to spend on the ride, the odds seem to be in their favor for some good soakings! The challenge will have to wait until the ride is open again in March, though.

“Let’s hear those guesses,” the duo asked. “How many times can we do Kali in one day?” Guesses so far are ranging from 18 to 43 times; Disney rides’ long wait times obviously pose some challenges!

The Kali River Rapids ride is reopening soon after being closed for the winter!

This challenge (which @ParkSpeed called their “most outrageous Disney World challenge idea” yet) will most likely leave the duo feeling wet, tired, and maybe even a little bored! We saw a similar challenge last year from a Pirates of the Caribbean ride enthusiast who raised money for charity in the process — and who rode the ride 28 times in a row.

Have you ever ridden a Disney ride on repeat? What was the reason?


Sharon is a writer and animal lover from New England. Sharon's two main focuses in her work are Disney's correlations with pop culture and the significance of Disney princesses (which was the basis for her college thesis). When she's not writing about Disney, Sharon spends her time singing, dancing, and cavorting with woodland creatures!

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