Disneyland ParkNews

Disney Ride Falters Drastically During Reopening

The Walt Disney Company has certainly been through its fair share of struggles recently, even though (once in a while) some happy or heartwarming news has still come out of the Disney Parks to bolster Disney fans’ faith in their favorite vacation destination.

Unfortunately, one of the biggest complaints that Disney Park Guests have been filing lately has just reared its ugly head again! Disney is becoming notorious for ride or roller coaster breakdowns, and one popular ride just had a particularly disastrous night.

indiana Jones Adventure Disneyland
Credit: Disney

The Indiana Jones Adventure ride (which had been closed as of January 9 until March 17 for refurbishment and renovations) just reopened for its eager passengers who lined up for their chance to have an adventure within the Temple of the Forbidden Eye.

Unfortunately, according to Reddit user @fuhgeetas in a Reddit conversation about Disney ride breakdowns, there were difficulties on the ride very recently.

“Indiana Jones last night, I got stuck for 20 mins, 1 second into ride, right after they do a seatbelt check and dispatch the vehicle, we were the very first car too,” the Reddit user and Disneyland Guest wrote yesterday.

indiana jones outpost sign
Indiana Jones Outpost sign/Endor Express

“Eventually they were able to get the ride going,” the Disneyland Guest explained, but that was not the end of the problems. Apparently, the Indiana Jones Adventure then “made a full loop with all the lights on and no music/fx, but all the vehicle motion”.

“On the 2nd loop around without getting off, the ride shut down entirely,” the Guest complained, adding that it was “ironically on the sequence where the vehicle ’shuts down’ before the boulder”.

Indiana Jones Adventure Disneyland Park
Credit: Disney

This ride breakdown and malfunction apparently involved “a whole 1hr 45min ordeal on the vehicle”, and Cast Members had to start “kicking everyone out of the line multiple times”. After three runs, the ride was back in working order, but four cars had to be removed from the lineup for maintenance.

Ride breakdowns are unfortunately becoming so common in Disney Parks that seasoned Walt Disney World Resort and Disneyland Resort Guests actually allow time into their Disney days for malfunctions. Hopefully, the new Indiana Jones movie (Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny) fares better than Indy’s Disneyland ride is currently faring!

What’s the worst ride breakdown that you’ve experienced in a Disney theme park?


Sharon is a writer and animal lover from New England. Sharon's two main focuses in her work are Disney's correlations with pop culture and the significance of Disney princesses (which was the basis for her college thesis). When she's not writing about Disney, Sharon spends her time singing, dancing, and cavorting with woodland creatures!

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