As Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis continues his presidential campaign, he’s being questioned about the state’s actions and for “punishing” Disney.
There are few back and forth as widely documented as. the fight between the Walt Disney Company and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Many have criticized Governor DeSantis, and many have Disney, as well; fans and the Disney community find themselves evenly spread out on both sides of the argument. However, as Governor Ron DeSantis gears up and pushes onward with his presidential campaign, he’s coming up against some tough questions and interviewers.
Governor DeSantis Called Out for Retaliation Against Disney
One of the long-held criticisms that Florida Gov. DeSantis has faced when it comes to his actions with respect to the Florida feud with the Walt Disney Company is that he has used state resources and “punished” the company for speaking out against the “Don’t Say Gay” bill (officially called the Parental Rights in Education Act). Governor DeSantis’s government dissolved the former Disney World oversight board—the Reedy Creek Improvement District board—and put in place his Central Florida Tourism Oversight District board instead.
The lawsuit that Disney filed against DeSantis even explicitly states that DeSantis punished the Walt Disney Company for their opinion, and was a violation of their right to free speech, thereby becoming an infringement of Disney’s protected speech.
Recently, another journalist called him out again for his “punishment” of Disney, pressing him about his actions.
Megyn Kelly Presses Governor DeSantis
In a recent interview, Megyn Kelly asked the GOP presidential hopeful, “Why can’t Disney oppose your law…without being punished?” The Republican Presidential hopeful challenged Kelly’s question explaining all Florida did was to “remove a special benefit” that wasn’t being afforded to any other companies. Kelly, however, stood firm in her line of questioning.
In the video, she says, “You, in my view, are pretty quick to use the power of the state against certain corporations you don’t like, these ‘woke’ corporations,” linking it to DeSantis’s actions against the Walt Disney Company for their comments about the Parental Rights in Education Act.
Check out the excerpt:
Related: Another Loss for DeSantis: Florida Gov. Attacked Once Again About Feud with Disney
Governor DeSantis explained how this wasn’t true and shared that he disagreed with Kelly’s view.
He said, “Disney is a different issue…Disney was an issue where they came after the State of Florida when we were fortifying parental rights…They came in against us, and they’re very powerful in Florida, they usually get whatever they want. So we stood up, and we said, no, we’re going to do what’s best for students and parents; we’re not going to kowtow to Disney.”
He added Disney decided to take its corporate resources to attack the state of Florida, and that’s when the state had to make a decision to look at the benefits Disney was receiving.
DeSantis also shared how being joined at the hip with a company that “sexualized children” was “antithetical” to the values of the state.
Stay tuned to Disney Fanatic for the latest Disney news.